Restrictions on all Funeral Services as a result of Covid 19
Based on guidance from Government, NPHET and the HSE, we, as a funeral practice, must follow the advice that has been given to all funeral practices.These guidelines are in place to protect public health, and to protect the health of grieving loved ones.
Sadly, it is not possible to have large funerals during a pandemic. We, at Dignity Funeral Care, understand this is extremely difficult for the families affected.
We can be contacted by phone or email at all times to give guidance and advice on funerals.
Only immediate family and close friends should attend a funeral, currently to a maximum of 10 people.
These regulations apply to church and crematoria.
The numbers who may attend our funeral home are also very limited and we will advise families on those numbers. Facemasks must be worn at all times on site and it is advised they are worn in church or crematoria as well. Attendees should also follow social distancing guidelines.
Physical interactions like hand shaking or hugging must also be avoided. If a family member is self isolating and restricting their movements, they should not attend the funeral – however they can be facilitated by ensuring they can attend remotely if at all possible.
If your loved one is reposing in your home, all Government restrictions still apply.
It is critical that, even in grief, we all act responsibly and wisely and implement all of these guidelines.
We would like to thank you sincerely for your co-operation, as we navigate our way through these difficult times.
The Irish Hospice Foundation have produced a really helpful guide relating to funerals in these most difficult times. Download here.